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Reine Energie Reinertrag

Nursery and primary school in Mórahalom, Hungary - Domestic Hot Water System

The solar collectors heat the hot water tank via external heat exchanger, depending on especially the intensity of sunshine and  the temperature. The domestic heated water  is got into the hot water tank through new pipeline system in the place of cold water supply. Thus, the existing water storage is received preheated water by collectors, instead of cold water, and this can only be heated to necessary extend .


The solar panels have been placed on roof of the existing buildings. The number/size of  solar flat collectors:

- School: 28 x 2.03 m² (56.84 m2 in total)

- Gym: 12 x 2.03 m² (24.36 m2 in total)

- Kindergarten 20 2.03 m² (40.6 m2 in total)

Angewandte Technologie: 