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Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)


Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD)

The European Union aspires to reduce energy consumption in buildings because of the following reasons:

The energy consumption of buildings amounts to about 40% of the total energy consumption. If we consider i.e. the office buildings in the industry, this ratio is close to 50% as well. The current member states of the EU would like to achieve 22% energy savings in 2010, so that the investment payback time would be less than 8 years.

Directives 2002/91/EC came into force on 4 January 2003 and were published in the Official Journal of the European Community. The Directives required regulations and laws from the Member States (decree must be issued or should have been issued) until 4 January 2004 to ensure the mentioned targets. Discharge or extension could only be requested if the country does not have enough trained and accredited expertise for certification of buildings, and to review boilers, heating and air conditioning systems.

The main elements of the Directives on energy performance of buildings

- The standard calculation of energy consumption of buildings:

Standard method is required to calculate and compare energy consumption of different buildings. The standard calculation includes:

  • Building bordering structure,

  • Heating and domestic hot water system,

  • Air handling system,

  • Artificial lighting,

  • Solar systems,

  • Natural ventilation,

  • Indoor air conditions,

  • C02 emissions.

This calculation method gives flexibility to the designer to reduce energy consumption and to plan an optimal system considered for investment and operational view. The building energy consumption has to be expressed in primary energy substrate.

- Requirements to the energy utilization of buildings:

The Member States have to take the necessary steps to ensure the minimized energy consumption in buildings. They have to differentiate between new, existing buildings and in different functions (offices, residential buildings, schools, hotels, restaurants, sports facilities and other types of buildings) during definition of requirements.
Before construction, in case of new buildings with bigger useful area than 1,000 m2 the implementation, engineering and economic potential of following systems and renewable energy sources opportunities should be examined.

For the sake of secure energy supply and following the current trends, the EU would be able to cover 70% of own energy consumption from internal resources until 2030;

  • Because of environmental reasons, since 94% of C02 emissions come from energy production and utilization.